Friday, November 09, 2007

Diwali - A Well packaged Day :-)

Diwali had been a dull, "its all special programs on TV" day for me so far. Oflate, EMI lifestyles bored me to a have lavish celeberations... But,I could call Diwali '07 as the best Diwali in my life. I had all that I could wish for....My sister and in-laws coming home, some nice time with my special friend and last but not least first day show of my most awaited Tamil/Indian movie of the year... I had good emotional spectrum

That was a pretty long day spanning for almost 23 hours and those moments are sure to cherish in my life. I hope many would have had a very nice time on this Indian Festival.

I am happened to see lots of lightworks this time instead of "sound"works. This is much better way to enjoy a Diwali as it is a festival of light. This reduced noise pollution and gave a lot better ambience for my telephonic conversation especially.


Shivani said...

Happy Diwali!! and New Year!! :)

Hell's Angel said...

Wow thats gr8!!!but i dint know tht u were looking 4wd to watch tht movie so much.. anyways good to hear tht u had a nice time..