Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Ride through IT CITY

Fidelity Business Services India.

Goldman Sachs

Microsoft I
Microsoft II

Undeniably, Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of Asia :-) On the otherside of this Embassy Golf Links (EGL) was Yahoo!,Covansys, ANZ IT, Conexant, Bharti IT and so many. The life was so *colorful* for last 2.5 years !


Hell's Angel said...

wats this all about "life was *colorful* " ??.. heard uve kicked started a new lease of life..;-) Let us hear the juicy part of that plzz..

Hell's Angel said...

well if u have taken these photos then i gotto admit that uve done a splendid job!!

Balachandran C said...

Thanks ! These are taken thru the window as I travelled, on the final day in a hurry to keep nostalgy.

And, hope you see the DELL there !

Karthik Srinivasan said...

nice photos each one hiding a 100 stories inside :P